Bobby Schenck
Senior Director, Market Analytics and Payment Design
Bobby is a health care actuary with expertise in actuarial science, analytics, and data science. Bobby has built actuarial experience across a wide number of healthcare domains, including Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, commercial, self-insured employer coverage, and dental.
As a senior director, Bobby advises clients on value-based care, trend analysis, experience studies, and data analytics. He brings insights, efficiency, and significant project management skills to large-scale, complex projects in the health care field with particular focus on and interest in value-based care and behavioral health. His experience includes working with provider groups, insurance companies, self-insured employers, a state Medicaid program and healthcare vendors.
Prior to joining Third Horizon, Bobby was a consultant with the Terry Group and a health and welfare benefit consultant with Aon Hewitt where he was a key member of the actuarial team consulting to a Fortune 10 company in support of their self-insured health plans. In that role, Bobby was involved in all aspects of services related to the design, funding and strategic management of the plans, including funding analysis and premium rate setting for health plans covering roughly 1.1 million covered lives.
Bobby is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. He sits on the Behavioral Health Task Force and the Health Care Delivery Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries, and often presents at national professional association meetings and conferences. Bobby received a degree in economics and mathematics from DePaul University.
A few fun facts about Bobby…
If Bobby retired tomorrow, he would open a bread bakery. He would go to Chicago for weekend getaway. If he could have dinner with any three people, they would be Jeff Tweedy, Chris Thile, and Paul McCartney.