
Employer Investments in Well-Being, Part I

Employer Investments in Well-Being, Part I

This piece is co-authored by Jordana Choucair and Christopher HartStudies have shown that an employee’s health and happiness not only increases satisfaction, but also boosts productivity and supports talent retention. Armed with this knowledge, employers continue to...

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Systemic Approaches to Behavioral Health Crisis Services

Systemic Approaches to Behavioral Health Crisis Services

According to Mental Health America’s 2023 State of Mental Health report, 21 percent of adults are experiencing a mental illness yet 55 percent of those (equating to more than 28 million Americans) do not receive treatment. Recent data from the Centers for Disease...

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Health Industry Trend Spotting: 2023 Edition

Health Industry Trend Spotting: 2023 Edition

Third Horizon Strategies CEO and Founder David Smith shares his view on the five most important signals in the health care industry. Read his blog to learn why he feels they are significant and how they could impact the industry.

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