June 23, 2023

A Financial Stress Test of the New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Delivery System

Tym Rourke

Tym Rourke


In Fall 2022, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation asked Third Horizon Strategies (THS) to conduct an analysis of the financial health of the substance use disorder (SUD) delivery system in New Hampshire. The Charitable Foundation commissioned this report to inform shared learning and elevate guidance that can inform private, philanthropic, and public investments to continue to grow, stabilize, and sustain accessible behavioral health services for all.

Senior Director Tym Rourke is a health philanthropy and policy professional with over 15 years’ experience in substance use and mental health disorder prevention and treatment, coalition building, policy and advocacy, and civic engagement. Tym previously served as a Director at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and as the chair of the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Substance Use. He has extensive experience advising individual and institutional donors, community stakeholders, entrepreneurs and leaders at the local, state, and national level on best practices in behavioral health, and transforming health care systems to improve access and quality.